
PVC-U electrical casing for building


Property characteristic :

1, flame retardant adds a certain amount of flame retardant to the product production formula to ensure the excellent flame retardancy of the product. 

2. The special formula design of anti-impact ensures that the product is not afraid of compression and impact damage buried in concrete. 

3. The advanced formula and technology of anti-aging, PVC electrical casing has no worries about aging and discoloration. 

4. Insulation because PVC is not conductive, there is no danger of live operation in preventing accidental electric shock and can withstand a voltage of 25 kV without being broken down. 

5, a spring bend pipe can be inserted into the cold bending pipe, which can be bent manually and molded at one time without heating and any treatment. 

6, the advanced formula and technology of anti-aging, PVC electrical casing has no worries about aging and discoloration. 

7, moisture proof, acid and alkali resistance PVC casing moisture resistance will not rust, acid, alkali resistance, oil resistance, so it can be used in wet and harsh environment.

8. A certain amount of insect repellent is added to the formula to make the product emit odors that the insect mice do not like and avoid the gnawing and destruction of the insect mice.

●Size of product

Jinhong Group:

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